Active Learning in Science
Did you know that all matter has mass and occupies space? Create fizzing potions and experiment with different bubbling solutions. Observe the ticks that happen when different compounds mix. Find out the REAL power of lemons. That’s chemical reactions!
Do you know the reason for the moon’s effect on tug of tides? Scrutinize sand and explore the erosive forces of wave action. Consider coastal critters and the adaptability of aquatic friends and foes at the tide pool. What can affect this delicate marine ecosystem?
Did you know that a piece of buttered toast contains enough energy to run a 60 watt light bulb for 1.5 hours? Discover how you can “blow” out a candle without using your hands or your breath and cook a hot dog with no fire. Get the real shocking facts about energy and electricity.
Life Science
Why do flowers come in so many different colors? Understand actions and interactions between plants and their surroundings. Explore the leafy facts to become a member of the leaf safari team. Clue in to who the hitchhikers really are!

Earth Science
Did you know that earthquakes are the results of energy buildup from the crust? Peel away the layers of the Earth to discover what’s at the core. What happens to structures on earth when it shakes? Create a seismograph that can detect earthquakes. From tenacious tremors to energetic epicenters, what’s at work in inner earth?
Did you know that all mechanical machines are made up of one of six simple machines? Test how simple machines multiply the force that we apply. Sometimes it doesn’t matter how much effort we’re making. If our load isn’t moving, we just aren’t working!
Did you know that global warming is not only caused by man-made effects but can occur naturally? Delve into natural resources that come in renewable and non-renewable forms. Create anemometers, construct water wheels and assemble a solar cooker. Consider what conservation really is!
Earth Science
Did you know that the Earth is divided into three portions: geosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere? Discover how one tree can filter up to thirty kilograms of pollutants from the air each year. Investigate Earth’s geological features and their changes. What a delicately balanced planet we live on!

Do you know what matter is made of? Experiment with properties, phase change and the physical states of matter. What makes yeast rise? Assemble a spy scope to aid in material comparisons. Build a polymer, mix solutions and have an exuberant time finding “things” out!
What is the real meaning of technical designs? Let’s probe into structures and shapes. Can we evaluate structural support systems? Conquer our vertigo of the tallest 3-D wonder. Conceive, create and cooperate in constructing an assortment of architectural wonders.
Life Science and Human Biology
Did you know that our ears and nose continue to grow throughout our entire lives? Discover what our brain looks like and how it functions. Probe into how our skin can help us and analyze different fingerprint patterns. Investigate the passage of food in our tummies and see what a balanced diet can do for us.
Space Science
Did you know that the Sun makes up 99.86% of our Solar System’s mass? Explore the origin of the Milky Way and why we’re in a spiral galaxy. Determine how the Moon orbits around Earth in phases. Simulate the effect of gravity on a spacecraft. Why does Uranus lie on its side?