Active Learning in Science
Did you know that when you mix dehydrated chemicals together, a reaction will generally NOT occur without the presence of water or other kinds of liquids? Conduct electrolysis of water to learn about its basic components. Experiment with distilled, hard and tap water. Which one is the best for cleaning?
Did you know that there are natural and synthetic polymers? Experiment with polymers and learn their chemistry. Test the molecular structure and densities of plastics. Is there a biopolymer that is produced by a living organism? It’s in the starch, protein, DNA and RNA!
Space Science and Physics
Did you know that a ball thrown in the air on Earth always takes the path of a parabola? Make and play with toys that astronauts bring on space shuttle flights. How do familiar toys behave in space where gravity is absent? When toys go up in space, do they come back down again?
Life Science and Human Biology
Did you know that muscles airways work in pairs? Learn about human anatomy through dissection of other animals. Investigate the function of lungs, how a kidney works and the location of our hearts and pulse points. How are all these organs connected? Let’s measure our lung capacity!

Life Science
Delve into the world that can’t be seen by our naked eye. What did Antony van Leeuwenhoek see that no one else could? Find out the tool that has revolutionized modern biology. Are you ready to watch the millions of mini–factories that are working now to keep you alive?
Did you know that things have a better lift when they are closer to the surface? Discover how gyroscopic forces tend to make things more stable. Test how pressure differences cause baseballs to spin in different ways. Experiment with nozzles to see which length will have a lesser payload penalty. What’s the right-hand rule?
Delve into the particulate theory of matter while testing the properties of dry ice. Uncover the molecular morphology and fabricate fog with the sublimation of CO2. Prepare yourself to perceive the particle structure of matter. Is this the ultimate symbol of “fun” learning?
Earth Science
What happens below our feet when continental plates collide? Explore the structure and composition of the Earth’s crust. Dig into the clues from the past to learn about earthquakes, trenches, ocean ridges and what’s inside the Earth. Reveal the dynamic nature of our planet!

Why is the sky blue, why is sunset red and why is cloud white? How can we tell if we are eating a green or red apple if color did not exist? Experiment with color filters and diffraction gratings. How do our brains sense and comprehend color? Do colors have heat?
Did you know that machines never change the amount of work done but only the size and direction of the force and distance? What’s the most effective oar length for a rowboat? Compare a paddle boat and a measuring wheel. Can you build mechanical systems using different types of simple machines?
Did you know that temperature affects the elasticity of elastomers? Test the molecular structure and traction properties of rubber. Can we create a material that can be molded and will bounce off a hard clean surface? Which plastic is the most fantastic?
Did you know that a series circuit uses more energy than a parallel circuit with the same number of light bulbs? Turn our pencils into rheostats. Let’s “ask” our circuit if our drink is hot or cold? Examine electron flow to discover the nature of conductivity. Ready, set, charge!